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Stathis Yapoutzidis-Karras (b.1993) was born in Thessaloniki. He lives and works between Greece and The Netherlands. His roots and childhood play a vital role in the genesis of his diverse queer identity, growing up among noisy, brutal construction workers and love. During his studies he makes an alternative translation of this “situation” and starts to ran a garage-hardcore punk band until 2018. Since then, he decides that the form that he can communicate better his critical view is art.

His artistic practice explores the complexity of emotions and the entanglement of socio-historical implications. He confronts values and concepts of life that have been distorted in memory to impregnate them with new meanings and modern mythologies. He focuses on how the pragmatic could be unreal and how the politic could be theatrical.

His work mainly composed of sculptures and installations broken down into figures, symbols and objects. He emphasizes on the lo-fi recording of stillness or loudness into his main medium, steel.

His work has been presented in Greece, Italy and The Netherlands.

“I’m using a subversive beauty to create drama because I was always searching for what is missing from perfection at any cost. I’m searching about the decadence in reality and the political in absurdity. I make things to echo my anger. I’m concerned with noise and catharsis. I like to perform and shout my thoughts.”

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